2021 CSA sign up is open!

Please see the CSA member info and CSA sign up tabs above to learn more about this year’s CSA!

Reading through last year’s CSA info, reflecting, editing, and updating for this year, can I just say, holy moly, what a year it was! In addition to the intense turmoil throughout the world, 2020 was one of the more challenging growing seasons on record. Regionally, we managed through severe drought and extreme heat, while on the farm we navigated damaging hail and destructive winds, unusually high levels of insect pests, and an extended power outage. As wells ran dry and soil temps were literally too high for some crops to germinate, our diversity of available crops was affected for a few weeks, but there was always abundance. It was a bumper crop year for strawberries, we had gorgeous lettuces for most of the season, the cucumbers, zucchini, and summer squash did a great job, carrots and beets were lovely, and the dry weather yielded some of the tastiest paste tomatoes we’ve grown. All told, 2020 was a successful harvest season, and I look forward to sharing another fruitful season with you.

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