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Please join us at the Storrs Farmers Market on Sept 1 for our Annual Community Picnic! This special day will feature a delicious meal prepared with food from all our market vendors, Jeff Burnham and Lindsey Clark (yes, your MMS teachers) will play their lovely music for us, plus lots of demos for and by kids & adults, including Spiral Arts Studio. We’re hoping this will be a beautiful day for friends, family, neighbors, classmates & co-workers to get together, recognize the bounty of the season and the hard work of your farmers, as well as the other skills and talents we share that make us a strong, cohesive community.

Here’s more info on the picnic.

The Storrs Market is offering the opportunity for local children to be guest demonstrators at the Community Picnic. Cordelia wants to show other kids how to make friendship bracelets, and hopes more children will join her in sharing their skills. So far we also have a chess demo, beading, and tie-dying. The possibilities are endless. Please contact me directly to get involved!

Last note on the picnic, we’re looking for volunteers to help prep and serve food. Hoping for some hours on Aug 31 to do prep work at the CLiCK kitchen with Rachel of Healthy Farm Eating, who is preparing the picnic meal. For those who know her, Grandma Faye will be there, so you know it will be fun. And then we need servers during the market, Sept 1 from 2:45-6:00, or as long as your wrists hold out. Volunteers are a key component of making this day successful, keeping costs reasonable so everyone can afford to enjoy our local bounty. Again, please contact me directly. Thank you!

Goods to order, for CSA’ers and non-members alike.

– Seconds tomatoes for processing, $1.75/lb, 20 lb minimum. Standing offer.

– Leeks, $2.75/lb. Must order within the next week. These will be the last of the leeks for the year.

– Turkeys, $6/lb. This year I’m expecting hens around 15lbs, toms around 20lbs for Thanksgiving, bigger for December. Here’s what I’ll need from you if you’d like to order a turkey. 1) When you’d like your bird. The Sunday before Thanksgiving or mid-December. 2) Size range you’re hoping for. 3) A $50 deposit. Can be mailed or left with egg $.

– Eggs, $6/dz. The kids really appreciate your business, they’ve recently paid off their start up costs and are thrilled to be earning real cash. We do, though, periodically get a back-log of eggs and would benefit from selling an extra 4-8 dozen per week. If you don’t regularly come to the farm, maybe consider joining our “egg CSA” or coming to the Storrs Market for eggs? As I’m repeatedly told by customers, they’re the best eggs you can buy.

The recipe. Chocolate Zucchini Muffins.

Though really, this version is more like dessert than breakfast. Grated zucchini can also be frozen in one cup portions for winter baking.


1 cup grated zucchini, juiced squeezed out

2 eggs

1/2 cup oil

1 teaspoon vanilla


1/2 cup white sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

Mix separately:

1/2 cup cocoa powder

1/2 cup white flour

1/2 cup buckwheat flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/8 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon

Combine all. Optional additions:

1 cup of something – chocolate chips, walnuts, seeds, dried cranberries

Ground hot chiles

Alternate flours or sweeteners

With this flour mixture, bake for about 20 minutes at 350 in a buttered muffin pan.